Not just a pretty face: Modern men prefer women with brains rather than beauty

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  • Men prefer intellect over curvy figures when looking for a partner, claims new research
  • But women are more preoccupied with a man's appearance over his wealth
  • Women are scoring higher than men in IQ tests



    Next time a man throws you an admiring glance, he’s probably just heard the intelligent things you’ve been saying.
    Many women will find it hard to believe, but new research suggests men increasingly value intellect and character in a partner over a shapely figure.
    Apparently, traditional wifely skills such as being a good cook are also becoming less important to modern men, British scientists claim.

    They say in Western societies where men and women are equal, interest in a woman’s appearance is in decline.
    However, women now tend to be more interested in a man’s looks than before, and less preoccupied by their wealth as they are able to depend on themselves financially.
    Dr Marcel Zentner, a psychologist at York University, said: ‘We found in societies like Britain, or especially in Scandinavia, men place increasing value on other qualities, like intelligence, rather than curvy figures or skill at cooking’.

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